Mount Kilimanjaro General Explanation


Mt Kilimanjaro is not only the highest mountain in Africa, and not only the highest free-standing mountain (not part of a mountain range), but is also the highest mountain that can be climbed without technical skill or special equipment. It is termed a “walk-up” mountain. But that does not mean that it is easy to reach the summit. Not at all. Yes, you will need fitness to trek over several days consecutively – the summit day being a very difficult one, but you have to deal with the lesser oxygen available to breathe. How people handle this varies greatly. Some world-class athletes in prime condition have had to abandon their climb by day 3, while others who are not nearly as fit seem to glide up the mountain. Having proper clothing, a good diet, and an experienced guide who can read early warning signs of altitude sickness and make adjustments in the pace are all important.

Please read each article listed on the sidebar on the right-hand side of this page for detailed information. Before your trek, your guide will go through a thorough equipment check (any needed items can be rented locally and are of good quality), and you will have a pre-climb briefing where all details will be gone through and all questions answered.